Every year online shops pay millions in sales commissions to other websites that direct shoppers to them (e.g. voucher code websites). At TheGivingMachine our Shop&Give platform turns these commissions into donations for the shopper’s chosen good cause(s) without it costing anyone a penny more.
Get Involved

Use our Shop&Give platform to raise funds for your favourite good causes when you shop online. Sales commissions are converted into free donations each time you shop.
- Choose your cause(s) and sign up for free
- Shop via our website, app or desktop reminder.
- Feel amazing as you generate free donations for your cause(s)

Your supporters already shop online so let them know they can generate free donations for you when shopping through our Shop&Give platform
- Register your cause for free
- Promote to your supporters using our free materials
- See your earnings on your own dedicated page

If you work with an affiliate network, we may be able to add you to the Shop&Give platform to generate more sales and make a difference at the same time.
- Contact us to see the affiliates we currently work with
- Join an affiliate partner
- Benefit from referred sales and impact local communities
"Great initiative..."
"really great way to generate income for our School"
Samantha Long

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Our Impact

Raised so far

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Caring businesses